The brand stands for unconditional and pure love. ‘Saim India’ was born when our founder ingrained a key fragment of his heart in the city of dreams: Bombay, in forms of true loyal companionship; primarily planting fragments in his hometown Calcutta which form the vital cultural and inspirational drawings of the brand. The ‘heart’ which acts as the primary organ of every living being, here is defined as Saim’s fondness for his family, partner and craft which he knows best - Fashion. With the brand, we give you a piece of his heart - his craft and vision that forever beats in your subsequent worlds too now adding to the brand’s distinctive ecosystem.

Saim India is a celebrated amalgamation of traditions and modernity; where the past lingers you on to the new future deriving key inspirations from Indian costume and indigenous street styles. Inclusive of identity and culture, the ‘Saim’ human is an exclusive representation of India where craft, cool and comfort coexist. Elements true to the country, like the ‘ganji’, ‘ghoonghat’ and ‘topi’ take precedence in over layers, hoodies and caps for example to build an ecosystem of style which refrains of shying away from your roots and true existence.

‘Culture has always been the cool’ -says Saim.

A National Institute of Fashion Technology, Kolkata graduate; Saim’s close association with couture spans through his former internship days at Raghavendra Rathore in conjunction to his term as a senior designer for the legendary Anamika Khanna. The two driving forces, Culture and Country, can be observed through his passions in the world of digital art and fashion critique; that also led to the formation of a podcast and blog fondly called ‘A Voice’.

Saim aspires to build a multicultural ecosystem that speaks India in ways of its culture, style and existence, absorbing influence from everyday life, traditions and costume history.